We are excited to launch the second year of
Oklahoma Storm Swimming!

Swimming is a fantastic way to keep your kids healthy and active year-round. It partners well with other programs, allowing your child to develop into a versatile athlete. Young swimmers learn skills they can utilize for a lifetime!
Each week we will focus on improving multiple competitive swimming techniques while emphasizing water safety. Expect your young athlete to
develop and grow in:

character coordination discipline strength

Season Info
The official season runs September 2, 2024 - February 28, 2025
Ask Coach Knapp about our year-round option!
High School & Middle School
Every Monday & Friday
*there is also a one-day-per-week option for this age group
Every Friday
Mondays: technique & stroke analysis
Coaches are in the water with the swimmers, teaching technique, drills, and providing specific feedback on competitive fundamentals.
Fridays: practice days, operating similar to a typical swim practice.
Each Friday Elementary swimmers will do a blend of technique and endurance training. Coaches will be in the water to help guide and direct.
Practices are held at the Oklahoma Christian University Swimming Facility.

We are so proud
of all your progress and amazing representation of OKC Storm in our first official swim season!
Congrats to our 2023-2024 Competitors!